Drinking this juice for the last six months, I have seen a significant difference in my hairs health and growth. Every ingredient has amazing hair benefits.

2 handfuls of kale
2 beetroots
2 kiwis
1 pomegranate
1 cucumber
Throughly wash all ingredients in a apple cider or a veg wash and rinse
Peel the kiwis and score the pomegranate skin with a knife
Fill a large bowl with cool water. Break apart the pomegranate arils underneath the water. (It helps prevent pomegranate juice from squirting everywhere.)Drain the water from the pomegranate arils when you are finished separating them from the rind.
Chop all the rest of the ingredients then juice the kale, beetroot, kiwis, pomegranate, cucumber, enjoy and nourish :)
KALE - Nourishes the scalp
BEETROOT - Increases blood to scalp (so nutrients to)
POMERGRANTE - Strengthens hair
CUCUMBER - Encourages hair growth
KIWI - Prevents hair loss
If you did, I would love to hear and see how it went. Tag me on my instagram @mara_kintara